Friday, March 4, 2011

40 Days and 40 Ways ...(to help) part deux

Someday, when I grow up, I want to be in the rankings of those that really stood up for our kids in public education. Not just a great teacher or administrator, I'm talking about one of the greats, like Jonathan Kozol who wrote amazing books advocating for our students in failing, poor schools and communities like Savage Inequalities and Amazing Grace. Maybe I could be like Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, the co-founders of KIPP schools. Or perhaps, I could simply join forces with this woman <----- Michelle Rhee. She's the former Chancellor of the D.C. public schools and she now runs the organization Students First. the organization's focus is to build an educational system in America that puts students first. Not teachers, or big-wig superintendents, or any other person wanting their piece of the pie. She's in it for the kids. Ya know, like it should be, like it was in your first education class when you were so stinkin' passionate about it that you wanted to write lesson plans just for fun!! (ok, maybe that's just me). Anyway, to help Michelle Rhee and students first to change the bureaucracy and mess in public ed, join the movement! Sign the petitions for things that matter!! I did, and I hope I do help to make change in education. I think it's a vision we can all get behind.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone will make a change in education you will. I signed the petition also!
