Thursday, March 10, 2011

40 Days and 40 Ways ...(to help) #7 Empower African Children

I mean, seriously, read that title. Who doesn't want to empower African Children? I do! And I did back in my first year of teaching when I first started following this organization. does much more than the typical, "Let's feed the starving African children" charity. Not that curing hunger is not an amazing goal- it certainly is! But this Texas-based organization works to not only provide basic needs to children of Uganda, but to help them receive an education (cue the strumming of my heart chords!). Empower African Children provides money for students in Uganda to continue in school, which is often too costly for them, as well as providing scholarship programs for these kids to study in America.

How can you help, you ask? There are lots of options that don't require a huge pocket book or a lot of time!

1. Just spread the word. Easy. I follow them on facebook, you can too! Or send out an email, or I dunno talk about it on your blog ;)

2. Shop!! (Did I say a magic word or what?!) You can buy books, cd's, shirts, notecards, etc. from their website and the proceeds help empower African children!

3. Donate. A dollar, 5 dollars, 100 dollars. Skip the double low-fat craziness latte at Starbucks just once and help a kid. (I hope you are bringing a reusable cup with you at least!)

4. Go to Africa. Seriously, why not? I've been to Africa. The flight stinks and if they lose your luggage like they did mine, so will you, but the experience will change you.

5. See them live!! No kidding, the kids participate in a traveling group! They perform their native dances in a group called The Spirit of Uganda. Check them out!

I don't know if telling you all these things will make a difference for the children of Uganda, but I do know that if we don't tell others, how will they know how simple it can be to change the world?

BE the change you wish to see in the world- Ghandi

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