Sunday, April 3, 2011

40 Days and 40 Ways ...(to help) #23 Mandala House: The search for strength

This morning on our way to church, John and I were having a conversation about the difference between being "tough" and being considered "strong." It takes an extremely tough person to survive a traumatic event, but it takes an even stronger person to survive the event and to find peace again. That rarely happens alone.

The people of Mandala House recognize this, and they are change agents for strength.

At they work with victims of gender-based violence such as rape, and/or sexual and physical abuse in Uganda, Sri Lanka, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Many of these women and children were abused in war-time situations, and/or held captive, displaced from their families, and often forced to become soldiers of the war. Mandala House works with mental health counselors and instructors to help these victims to trust others and their own emotions again through instruction in yoga, meditation, and non-violent communication techniques.

If you aren't into donations, then I would ask that we at least pray diligently for the women and children that are searching for strength. I can't imagine how someone could come back from that, but I do know that God can do anything. I pray that He supply these counselors and trainers with the skills to equip them for such a huge job. And if He has lain it on your heart to help such a worthy cause, you can do so here:

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